435 'A' Highway 1, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J4

Student of the Month Award

Project H.O.P.E. Student of the Month

Project H.O.P.E. is thrilled to acknowledge the outstanding progress and dedication
demonstrated in our weekly therapy sessions. To honor their many accomplishments, we are
excited to introduce a “Student of the Month” award for both Music Therapy and Adapted
Physical Education. Below, you will find the criteria and qualities that we believe exemplify the
students deserving of this recognition.


Engagement:  Demonstrates perseverance and willingness to engage in activities or assignments
that might not be their first choice. Shows resilience and a positive attitude even
when faced with less enjoyable tasks.
Willingness:  Shows enthusiasm and curiosity about new experiences or challenges. Approaches
tasks and activities with an open mind, constructive mindset, and positive attitude
contributing to a safe, happy and motivating environment.


Compassion:  Shows empathy and kindness towards others, offering support and understanding.
Encouragement:  Provides positive reinforcement and motivation to fellow peers, uplifting and
supporting them in their endeavors, as well as positive self-talk.
Responsibility:  Takes ownership of their actions and commitments, fulfilling their duties with
diligence. Including using language that is respectful and suitable for the context.
Patience:  Exhibits patience and understanding when interacting with peers, allowing them
ample time to express themselves without interruption or frustration.
Maintains Personal Space:  Maintains appropriate physical boundaries, demonstrating respect for others’
personal space and adhering to social norms.


Ask for Help When FrustratedRecognizes when they need assistance and seeks help in a constructive manner
when facing difficulties or frustration.
Asks Others if They Need HelpProactively offers assistance to peers, demonstrating a willingness to support
others and foster a collaborative environment.
Respectful to Peers and TeachersTreats both peers and teachers with courtesy and consideration, valuing their opinions and contributions. Demonstrates polite and respectful behavior in all

Throughout each month we ask that the therapists and lead teacher send their nomination(s) to
[email protected] and to our Coordinator at [email protected]. The deadline for the
nominations is the 25th of each month. Then the Project H.O.P.E. Executive will review the
nominations and choose a winner by the last day of the month. The winner will receive a gift
from Project H.O.P.E. to be delivered by a Board Member. In addition, the award recipient will be
featured on our Monthly Newsletter and Social Media platforms.